1. Standard Push-Up:

man doing push up exerecis


Before you jump into variations of the classic push-up, be sure you get the original right.

How To:

  • Keep your back flat, abs tight, butt down and shoulders rotated so that the crooks of the elbows face slightly forward.
  • This position ensures that your core is engaged and that your shoulders are in the position that’s the least likely to cause pain.
  • If your wrists bother you, perform the push-up on your knuckles, which keeps the wrists in a more neutral position.
  • From the plank, bend your elbows in toward your body and lower your chest to the floor.
  • Push the floor away from you to come back up.

Related article: 8 Progressive Push-Up Variations To Create Your Best Ever Upper Body Shape

2. Modified (Knee) Push-Up:

modified push up on knees

If you’re not quite strong enough for full push-ups yet or want to target just your chest, try this modification to help build the necessary upper body strength.

How To:

  • Kneel down, and then lower your hands to the floor so you’re in a half plank.
  • Keeping your butt lifted and your core tight, bend your arms to lower your chest to the floor.

3.Knee-to-Elbow (Spiderman) Push-Up:

The following two push-ups increase the demand on your core and upper body by decreasing the number of places where your body is in contact with the ground.

How To:

  • Begin at the top of the push-up position.
  • Keep your back straight and lower the torso under control.
  • At the bottom of the push-up, bring your knee to the outside of your elbow.
  • Then return your leg to the starting position and extend through your elbows until you reach the top of the push-up.
  • Alternate sides on each rep.

Related article: Chisel Your Upper Abs With Cable Crunches!

4. Knee-to-Chest (Mountain Climber) Push-Up:

Warmup 1. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS: 3 sets of 20 reps Liveing says: “Mountain climbers will raise your heart rate — they’re a cardiovascular jolt.” Start in a pushup position with arms wider than your sho…

By bringing your knee up to your chest, your abs, shoulders and hip flexors have to work overtime to keep you off the ground.

How To:

  • Begin at the top of the push-up position.
  • Keep your back straight and lower the torso under control.
  • Press back up with your arms, and at the top of the push-up, bring one knee up under the chest.
  • Make sure your foot doesn’t touch the ground.
  • Return your leg to its original position, then lower yourself back down and repeat, lifting the opposite leg.
  • Continue alternating throughout the set.

5. Staggered Hand Push-Up:

Changing your arm position increases the stress on your opposing arm, meaning your triceps, pectorals and serratus anterior need to put in extra effort to keep you going.

How To:

  • Start in a standard push-up position, but walk one hand a step forward from where it usually is.
  • Lower down and back up as usual.
  • Switch which hand is in front with each rep.

6. Staggered Hand & Single-Leg Push-Up:

6. Staggered Hand

Last variation too easy? Now try it balancing on just one leg!

How To:

  • Begin at the top with one hand out farther in front than the other.
  • Lift the leg on your opposite side, keeping that knee straight and core tight.
  • Keep your back straight and lower the torso under control.
  • When you reach the floor, fire up your pecs and shoulders, and extend at the elbows to return to the starting position.
  • Perform five to 10 reps on one side, and then repeat with your other hand forward and opposite leg raised.

7. Single Arm Raise Push-Up:

woman in white tank top and black shorts lying on green grass field during daytime

This variation makes a great precursor to learning the one-arm push-up.

How To:

  • Start this exercise as if it were a normal push-up.
  • When you reach the bottom position, extend at the elbows quickly, pushing yourself up rapidly.
  • At the top of the motion, raise one straight arm overhead.
  • Lower the hand back to the floor and then lower your body back down for the next rep.
  • Alternate which arm you lift on each rep as you continue the set.

8. Warrior Push-Up:

Fire up your obliques by adding a side plank at the top of each push-up.

How To:

  • Begin at the bottom of the push-up with your elbows bent and torso straight.
  • Extend at the elbows to reach the high push-up position.
  • At the top of the movement, turn at the shoulders and reach one hand as high as possible toward the ceiling.
  • Then reverse the motion and return under control back to the starting position.
  • Switch between lifting your left and right arm on each rep.

9. Outside Leg Kick Push-Up:


When you change the position of your leg during a push-up (like with this version), your entire centre of mass changes.

How To:

  • Begin at the top of a typical push-up position.
  • Keep your back straight as you lower the torso under control.
  • At the bottom of the push-up, kick your foot out to the side, keeping your knee straight.
  • Then return your leg to its original position and extend at your elbows until you return to the top of the push-up.
  • Then lower yourself again and repeat the movement on your other side, lifting the opposite leg.

Related article: 10 Minute Home Bodyweight Abs Crusher Workout

10. Inside Leg Kick Push-Up:

In this version, your weight is distributed differently through your arms and legs, requiring contributions from all of the muscles in your body.

How To:

  • Begin in the low push-up position and extend the elbows to reach a high plank.
  • At the top of the movement, turn at the shoulders and kick one foot under the body and as high as possible while touching that toe with your opposite hand.
  • Then return your foot and hand to their original positions, lower yourself to the start and repeat on the other side.

11. Hip Twist Push-Up:

This push-up variation is especially challenging for your shoulders, arms and core.

How To:

  • Start at the top of the push-up with your elbows extended and torso straight.
  • Kick your left leg under and across your body.
  • Lower your chest to the floor without letting your hips touch the ground.
  • Extend at the elbows, return to the original position and repeat on opposite side.

Related article: Rock Solid Abs & Core With These 11 Plank Variations

12. Feet on Wall Push-Up:

Ready for a total-body challenge? This version not only requires a ton of upper body strength, but a lot of core stability, too.

How To:

  • Begin in your typical high push-up position, but then use your hands to press your feet into the wall.
  • You want your toes to be facing down, positioned about eight to 12 inches off the ground.
  • Lower your chest to the floor by bending at the elbows.
  • Do your best to keep your elbows close to your sides — try not to let them splay out.
  • Then push through your hands, extend at the elbows and return to the original position.