Working Out for Extreme Fitness
For any kind of extreme fitness, one would have to work out with dedication as no excuses work in these circumstances.
Most people wonder about building muscles being similar to abandoning life when they get out of the gym. Such people devote a lot of hours to the gymnasium just like how a monk would do in a monastery. The only method according to them, perhaps, would be to toil hours over the rusted iron every day and all over the year, so that you get to chisel your body into nothing less that a hot muscular physique. It need not be the case at all. No doubt, hard work is mandatory, extreme fitness requires a person to work under the iron weights. Complete-body work-outs could make a person progress as they would easily fit into one's daily schedule. 

This becomes more convenient when you look forward to achieve Xtreme fitness, but consequently find it difficult to stick to a single exercise routine. Maximum muscle contraction happening due to heavy weights among athletes is common due to dedicated aims, as it comprises genuine full-body workouts. It makes ample room for complete recovery so that one could grow and carry on training hard; taking care of burnouts happening from excessive training. If you are planning to jump into extreme fitness, the below information would give you an idea about total body workouts.

Quality of exercise stressed
This is another advantage of total-body workouts. When a person grows for an entire body workout, he need not spend many hours of strenuous exercise; he would perhaps have to spend just about an hour for one exercise. The quality is often stressed in full-body workouts than the quantity or the number of hours spent. It doesn't even consider time allotment per person.

Cardiovascular boost
Full-body workouts for extreme fitness boost the cardiovascular system. Two to four sets are allotted for each part of the body, for the hour session. Every session of an hour, after a jam-pack of exercise, then gets the heart along with other cardiovascular systems pumping till speed in flash. After feeling pumped up, there are certain rules one would have to follow as they engage in complete body work-outs. Training commences just once every two or three days. 

This is easy. The best thing about this is that, as you get the spare time that could be utilized in sessions of cardio exercises. Most often people rely on cardio exercises towards the end of each workout session which is don't prove to be much effective, often. 
Lifting heavy weights is strongly advised. Though athletes think of lightweight training, it just stays more of a myth. People speak of conserving energy for other parts of the body which would later include in the training. However, it is to be known that a person would not get optimal progress when the training is not heavy; it doesn't matter what the program is. Single exercise per muscle group is stressed. 

This is not just very easy to follow but is equally important too. Implementing basic but intense workout techniques would suggest not having to do several exercises for one single body part. It is always suggested to keep your work out very short. Natural hormones of your body that are connected to muscle building are often affected by resistance training

Time saver
Full-body workout or working out overall is a real-time saver. You world have to visit the gym less frequently when you get involved in full-body exercising; probably about 2-3 times a week would be more than sufficient. increase catabolic control and exercising intensely would boost the testosterone levels. Just sixty minutes of exercise would allow you to obtain the maximum from both worlds.
With such a powerful and convenient workout regimen, you would undoubtedly experience extreme fitness.