well-oiled machine, the physical components working together in perfect
synchronization. Rather than isolating one muscle group, during these lifts,
multiple muscles work together to drive the movement.
True Olympic lifts are advanced and require years of dedicated training, but
there are a number of modified lifts, called Olympic-style lifts, that are easy to
grasp and that can be performed by virtually anyone. The three exercises shown
are all Olympic-style powerlifting moves.
Powerlifting is a competitive strength activity that consists of three attempts
at maximal weight on three lifts: the squat, deadlift, and bench press. You don’t,
however, have to be a competitive weight lifter to benefit from these useful
strength exercises. Just make sure you are grounded in resistance training before
attempting any complex lifts, and consult with a trainer on how these lifts are
properly performed before attempting them.
If you decide to give them a try, keep in mind that your technique and speed
are more important that the amount of weight you initially lift. Don’t attempt any
weights that you can’t lift five or six times with perfect form and without
slowing down. Beginners may want to keep it light. For sets and reps, follow the
chart guidelines for your fitness level.
How to Lift Barbell Weight
BARBELL SQUAT The squat is full-body exercise that trains the muscles of
the thighs, hips, and glutes, but it has other benefits as well. This multitasking
power move also strengthens your bones, ligaments, and insertions of the
tendons throughout your lower body. It will also help you develop core strengthbecause your lower back, upper back, abdominals, and arms are all trained
isometrically when you perform squats with proper form. To perform, start by
resting a barbell across the back of your shoulders, grasping the bar with an
overhand grip and standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, your toes
slightly pointed out. Push your hips back, and bend at the knees to descend into
the squat position. Pause at the bottom of the squat, and then drive your hips
upward to return to the starting position.
BARBELL DEADLIFT The deadlift is a powerful hip movement that helps
tone the entire body while simultaneously developing muscle mass in your
thighs. Gold’s Gym Fitness Institute trainers urge gym-goers to focus on clean
technique, meaning a straight spine with perfect posture through the shoulders,
rather than maximum weight. Use your lats to really stabilize your spine; the
movement should be dominated by your hips. To perform, start with your feet
shoulder-width apart and a barbell at your feet. Bend your knees, as if sitting
back, while keeping your back straight, and then grasp the bar with a shoulder-
width or slightly wider overhand grip. Keeping your lower back straight, take a
deep breath, and stand up, thrusting your hips forward as you squeeze your
glutes. Exhale, pause, and then lower the bar back to the floor.
BARBELL BENCH PRESS A resistance-training exercise for the upper
body, the bench press works your chest muscles with the support of your arm
and shoulder muscles. If your lower body is coming up off the bench during the
press, you’re probably driving with your legs and hips instead of with your chest
and arm muscles. To perform, lie face-up on a flat bench. With an overhand grip,
grasp a barbell slightly above the center of your chest with your hands slightly
wider than arm's-width and by keeping your elbows pointing out to the side.
Aligning your index finger with the first ring on the bar ensures you have a wide
enough grip. Bring your elbows back even with your shoulders. Let the bar
touch your chest, then drive to full extension in one fluid motion. Keep your
body flat and your feet planted on the floor.
Two sets of 10 to 12 reps
Three sets of 12 to 15 reps
Four sets of 12 to 15 reps
Two sets of 8 to 10 reps
Three sets of 8 to 10 reps
Four sets of 8 to 10 reps
Two sets of 8 to 10 reps
Three sets of 8 to 12 reps
Four sets of 8 to 12 reps
BONUS LIFT The high pull, another Olympic-style lift, develops full-body
power. A great move for building clean strength, this exercise calls for you to
pull the barbell up from a dead stop on the floor. The high pull is an explosive
movement—meaning that you mimic the act of jumping without lifting your feet
from the floor.
HIGH PULL Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of a barbell
placed about two inches (5 cm) from your shins. Push your hips back, and bend
your knees as you grab the barbell with an overhand grip. Explode upward,
shrugging your shoulders and trapezius, and bring your elbows back to pull the
barbell as high as possible before slowly lowering it back to the starting position.
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