1. Twist


Russian Twist: How to Do, Plus Variations and Muscles Worked How To Do A Russian Twist For A Strong Core And Six-Pack Abs How to do it. Sit down on a plain surface, the back should be straight, and the legs should be crossed so the knees are on top of the feet. Put your left arm behind you and put your right arm on your left knee. When breathing in, stretch upward, and do a twist, hold it for 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side. The time: 2 minutes. The effect: Relaxing the back, improving digestion, and decreasing the waist size.

2. Candlestick at the wall

These 4 Wall Sit Variations Are the Ultimate Exercises to Target Your Thighs and Butt 

Wall Sit Exercise – How To Do And What Are Its Benefits? How to do it. While lying on your back, lift your legs, straighten them, and put them against the wall, you can spread them at shoulder width. Spread your hands to the sides. Relax, stretch your legs, and slowly breathe in, expanding your rib cage and melting your shoulder blades into the ground. Hold this position and try to breathe slowly and deep. The time: 3–5 minutes. The effect: Opening the chest, relaxing the shoulders and the belly, increasing the circulation of the lymphatic fluid, decreasing leg swelling, stimulation of the organs of the abdomen, and getting rid of tiredness and bad moods.

3. Hero pose

Increase flexibility in the knees and hips, tone the muscles in the arches of the feet, and increase circulation in the feet and legs with Hero Pose. How to do it. Sit on your knees and then slowly release the legs and lower your buttocks between your heels, the feet should be on the sides of the hips. Press your palms together in prayer position in front of your body. Stretch your neck and your back and open your chest. Breathe deep. The time: 1 minute. The effect: Stretching the hip muscles and the muscles between your legs, relieving period pain, and improving the mobility of hip joints.  

4. Downward facing hero pose

  How to do it. Sit on a mat, your pelvis should be on your heels, spread the knees to the sides — keeping the feet together, lean forward with your chest. Stretch your hands forward as far as you can, put your forehead to the floor, hold this position. The time: 1 minute. The effect: Relaxing the lower back and the neck and stimulating blood circulation in the small pelvis area.

5. Downward facing dog

Downward Facing Dog Adho Mukha Svanasana How to do it. From a sitting position on your heels with your knees spread to the sides, put your hands as far forward as you can, stretching well. Lift your pelvis, and straighten your arms and legs. Move the weight of your body to the legs, trying to put the heels on the floor. Keep your legs and back straight, without bending them or rounding the back. The time: 2 times, 30 seconds each. The effect: Regeneration of brain cells, bringing color to the face, stretching the back of the hips, decreasing the signs of cellulite, stretching the back, and removing neck spasms.

6. Dancer’s posedancer's pose yoga


How to do it. From a standing position, lift your right leg behind you, bend it at the knee and grab your ankle with your left hand. Pull it back and up. Drop your right leg and move it forward, repeat on the other leg. The time: 30–40 seconds for each leg. The effect: Improving posture, kidney function, and metabolism.

7. Shoulder bridge

The Pilates Shoulder Bridge will Give you a Strong Back and Tight Buns.

How to Do A Bridge Exercise: Plus 4 Variations How to do it. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and put your arms along your body. Lift the pelvis and bend the back, without lifting the shoulders, neck, or head from the floor. The time: 1 minute. The effect: Eliminating back pain, making the abs stronger and preventing painful periods, decreasing the amount of waist fat, and improving digestion.

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