Exercise to Strengthen your core
The core is a complex series of muscle groups that includes far more than your
abs, and you rely on it for almost every move you make. Along with the abs and
obliques, major core muscles include the pelvic floor muscles, multifidus spinae,
erector spinae, and the diaphragm. Minor core muscles include the latissimus
dorsi, gluteus maximus, and trapezius. These muscles act as stabilizers for
movement, transfer force from one limb to another, or initiate movement itself.
To complete this workout, start with 10 minutes of cardio, then follow the
chart’s recommended reps and sets for your fitness level, and end with 5 minutes
of stretching. Don’t forget to hydrate throughout. Do this routine three times a
week, and you should see results within a month.
STABILITY BALL CRUNCHES Lie back on a stability ball, with feet flat on the floor and your torso forming a 45-degree angle with the ball. Cross your hands, and place them on your upper chest. Contract your abs to lift your torso,keeping your feet and neck stable, and then slowly lower back down.
STABILITY BALL EXTENSION Lie facedown on a stability ball, with
your feet supporting you about hip-distance apart. Hold your arms out
Superman-style, and slowly lift yourself. Drop your chin to the ball, and elevate your upper torso so that your back and rear are in a straight line; be sure not to overextend into a curve.
ELBOW PLANK Lie facedown on a mat as if you were about to perform a push-up. Keep your arms bent so that your palms and forearms rest flat on the mat. Your legs should be extended straight out with your feet resting on your toes. Contract your abdominal muscles, and slowly lift your torso off the floor,keeping your palms, elbows, forearms, and toes grounded on the floor.
STABILITY BALL WALL SQUAT WITH CURL Place a stability ball between your mid-back and a wall. Stand with feet hip-distance apart. With your
arms relaxed at your sides, grasp a dumbbell in each hand. Maintaining contactbwith the wall, squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. At the same time, perform a biceps curl. Push through your heels to stand back up, while
lowering the weights to the starting position
SIDE TRUNK RAISE Position yourself sideways on a hyperextension bench
so that one hip rests on the large pad, and hook your feet under the foot pads. Let
one arm hang straight down relaxed, with the other resting behind your head.
Exhale, contract your oblique muscles, and then lower your free arm toward the
floor. Keep your neck straight, and don’t twist your upper body. Inhale, and then
return to the starting position. Alternate sides between each set.
THE AB WHEEL An ab wheel is a small wheel with a handle on either side.
With your knees bent and resting on the floor, contract your core, and slightly tilt
your pelvis back to prevent arching your lower back. Grab the handles on the
wheel with both hands, and hold it directly below your shoulders, keeping your
arms straight. Roll the wheel straight out in front of you, moving it far enough to
work all your ab muscles. Squeeze your abs, use your lower-back muscles, and
pull the wheel back toward you.
One set of 10 reps
Two sets of 10 reps
Three sets of 10 reps
One set of 10 reps
Two sets of 10 reps
Three sets of 10 reps
Hold for 15 to 30 seconds
Hold for 30 to 45 seconds
Hold for 45 to 60 seconds
Two sets of 10 reps
Two sets of 12 reps
Three sets of 12 reps
Two sets of 10 on both sides
Two sets of 12 on both sides
Three sets of 12 on both sides
One set of 10 reps
Two sets of 10 reps
Three sets of 10 reps
MORE THAN SKIN DEEP Many of your core muscles are deep muscles well
hidden beneath the layers of the exterior muscles that your workouts so often target—like the rectus abdominis. But your core most often acts as a stabilizer
and force transfer center, rather than as a prime mover, so it is essential to mix
up exercises like crunches, which target the external rectus abdominis, with
other functional exercises like planks, which hit the deeper muscles, such as the
transversus abdominis.
MORE THAN JUST STRENGTH Research is showing that strengthening
your core does more than just tightening your midsection. It can also improve
cognitive functioning and help prevent bone and muscle weakening. And not to
mention that a well-conditioned core will give you a confidence-boosting
midsection that looks good in (and out of) your clothes.
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