Exercise to Build a Better Back Muscle 

The benefits of a strong back are twofold: a strong back keeps your spine aligned
and pain-free; and toned back muscles shape your waist, making it look smaller
and more defined. The key to strengthening the back is the appropriate gym equipment because the back is the hardest body part to work without the right
tools. Proper form is also essential, making far more difference than heavy
weight.To prevent back troubles, try performing this multi-target workout from a member of the Gold's Gym Fitness Institute, which allows you to adjust the
weight and reps depending on your goal—strength or definition.

LAT PULL-DOWN MACHINE This machine keeps the focus on your lats.
You may sit or stand for this one. For strength, perform four sets of 6 to 10 reps;
for definition, four sets of 12 to 15 reps.

HOW  to rip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart,
arms straight, up, d palms facing forward. Pull the bar down to your chest,
elbows out. Return slowly to the starting position, arms straight.if you don't know how to lift Barbell read my previous article about how to Lift Barbell Weight 

ONE-ARM DUMBBELL ROW This row exercise works your back and
arms, including your latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, middle trapezius, rear deltoids,
and biceps. For strength, perform four sets of 6 to 10 reps with each arm; for
definition, four sets of 12 to 15 reps.
to to to to to 
HOto to W Grab a dumbbell in one hand and put the opposite knee and hand on a
bench so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Start with your arm extended
straight down, and pull the dumbbell up to the side of your chest, keeping your
arm close to your body. Lower to the starting position.

MACHINE ROW The seated row machine is ideal for beginners who want to
develop a strong, muscular back. For strength, perform four sets of 6 to 1reps for definition, and 5 reps.
to Grab the handles of seated row machines and sit with your back straight,
shoulder blades back. Pull the weight toward your body until the handles touch
your abdomen. Return to the starting position.

LOWER-BACK EXTENSION Extensions stretch and strengthen your lower
back. Perform them as a complement to crunches to develop a strong, balanced
midsection. Complete four sets of 6 to 10 reps for strength only.

to W Adjust the seat of a lower-back extension machine so that the axis is in
line with your hips. Seat yourself with your upper back against the roller, and
grasp the handles with your feet planted firmly on the footrest. Slowly push back
until your spine is naturally erect. Maintain tension as you return to the starting

To build strength in the back and biceps, the pull-up tops the list of effective
exercises. By using your weight for resistance, the pull-up works
multiple muscle groups, including some of the big guns—rhomboids, biceps,
mid and lower traps, obliques, and rectus abdominis—with an emphasis on the
latissimus dorsi. Pull-ups not only build up the back but help you avoid injuries latissimus dorsi. Pull-ups not only build up the back, helping you avoid injuries
to that vulnerable area, tribute also improve stamina, create lean muscle mass, and
strengthen your grip—a necessity for many competitive sports.

 Most gyms and many urban playgrounds feature a pull-up station. You can also purchase door-or wall-mounted bars for home pull-up workouts if your multipurpose gym machine does not feature one of its own.
Pull-ups may look simple, but they can be a challenge to master; they are
even sometimes used by the military to determine the fitness level of
recruits. Try starting with only a few in the beginning, but hit the bar numerous
times a day.